• New Home Sales Training
  • New Home Sales Trainer Jeff Shore
  • New Home Sales Trainer Jason Forrest
  • New Home Sales Manager Training Leadership Selling
  • Creating Urgency
  • New Home Sales Book 40 Day Sales Dare
New Home Sales Training Seminars

Featured Product

Deal With It!
Master 21 Tough Sales Office Situations

Endless negotiations, obsessing over incentives, buyer’s remorse—every sales office has its share of daunting customer interactions. Jeff pinpoints 21 of the most common sales office difficulties—and turns each one into a high-yield opportunity!

What Clients Say:

"Tough Market New Home Sales is a must see seminar if you are in the new home market. Jeff offers innovative—but not complicated—simple tactics and techniques that are sure to increase your ability to sell in today's obstacle-ridden market. His confidence, passion, energy, and humor are contagious. If you want tactics and techniques delivered straightforward and simple with a twist of humor, Jeff's material is right for you!"

Jennifer Olsen, CSP
Toll Brothers, Inc.
Senior Sales Trainer

"My sales team was so engaged and commented that Jeff is a true educator. His practical approach to selling provides the foundation for sales people to take ownership of their business and excel. The afternoon session for division presidents and sales managers was unbelievable. Jeff’s sincere commitment to the industry leadership is obvious. He is true to his word. Thank you for changing the world in Raleigh, NC!"

Sandra Paul, MIRM
Director of Sales and Marketing
Orleans Homebuilders

"Last week our sales team used your Seven Phases of Emotional Urgency in their sales presentation—we got 7 sales last week, and 3 sales on Sunday. They were all excited Monday morning… Thanks again for the training, and we truly appreciate you."

Flora Amir Alikhani
Sales Manager
Polygon Northwest

SAVE THE DATE - SALES LEADER SUMMIT - March 25, 2011 - Dallas, TX

It’s official! Jeff Shore and Jason Forrest will be in Dallas Texas on March 25th for our annual Sales Leadership Summit.

This is THE sales training event for anyone involved in sales leadership. Sales Managers/Directors/Trainers/VP’s as well as Division President’s are invited. Last year many brilliant sales leaders gathered to learn new sales training ideas as well as hiring, management, and coaching techniques. This year Jeff and Jason have new cutting edge training to share that may change the way you manage and train your sales staff.

More details will be released soon, but for now, SAVE FRIDAY, MARCH 25TH and we’ll see y’all in Dallas!

Tough Market New Home Sales: The Seminar

With Jeff Shore, Founder & CEO of Shore Forrest

Based on Jeff’s outstanding book Tough Market New Home Sales, this seminar is essential for sales counselors who want to thrive in a challenging market. Jeff shatters common misconceptions about new home sales, helping clients overcome their “yielding” habits and learn the six vital behaviors that every sales counselor must know to succeed. The seminar incorporates a variety of lectures, small group discussions, brainstorms, video shop analyses, and more—all flavored with Jeff’s memorable humor and theatricality.

Twenty years of knowledge and technique, jam-packed into 3-1/2 hours, for under $100: the Tough Market New Home Sales Seminar is an invaluable burst of sales adrenaline that will keep you going all year!

» View Jeff's Video Invitation to the Seminar

Creating Urgency in a Non-Urgent Housing Market: The Seminar

With Jason Forrest, President of Shore Forrest

A person’s desire to improve their life has more influence over their buying decision than any other factor. Learning how to tap into this emotional urgency is the key to making 2004 income in today's market, and in this seminar Jason Forrest will give you the tools, wisdom and mindset to make it happen.

We challenge you to put aside the headlines and everything that the industry has led you to believe about tough markets. This is your chance to start fresh, to reclaim your hope in yourself and your potential. If you allow yourself to break free from circumstance, if you commit to creating true, emotional urgency in your sales, you will have the power to be successful regardless of market conditions.

Join Jason for an in-depth journey into the principles of his book Creating Urgency in a Non-urgent Housing Market. You will come away with:

  • A revolutionary way to prioritize your prospects.
  • A revolutionary way to understand why your prospects are not urgent to purchase, and how to create urgency within them.
  • Why your customers are still coming into sales offices, but not buying.
    • What to say to your customers to give them confidence, hope, and reassurance that they are making the right decision.
    • A new definition of a salesperson, and the true influence you have on a person’s buying decision.
  • The number-one reason someone buys a home.
  • How to overcome the circumstances of a down market, the media and customer uncertainty, and to take control of your success.

Schedule a Seminar!

To book a Tough Market New Home Sales or Creating Urgency seminar for your company, please contact Cassandra Grauer at
530-558-9109 or cassandra@shoreforrest.com.

Our Seminar Partners

  • MetLife Home Loans
    National Strength. Local Expertise.
    New Home Loans
  • O'Neil Interactive
    New Home Internet Marketing
    Dennis O'Neil
  • NewHomesDirectory.com
    Driving Traffic to Homebuilders
    Jim Adams
  • Computer Presentation Systems, Inc.
    Software For Homebuilders
    Zoe Miller
  • Impact Marketing
    True Performance Measurement
    Shana Cyr
  • JWilliamsStaffing
    Real Estate Recruitment and Staffing Solutions
    JoAnne Williams
Creating Urgency University
New Home Sales Training Book 40 Day Sales Dare
Jeff's Blog
    • Expect Nice
    • Today’s Customer (And Yesterday’s)
    • In Praise of the Basics
    • What I Believe About Sales
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    • Cooking Up Sales
    • So you’re going green?
    • Info is Good. Application is Better.
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