• New Home Sales Training
  • New Home Sales Trainer Jeff Shore
  • New Home Sales Trainer Jason Forrest
  • New Home Sales Manager Training Leadership Selling
  • Creating Urgency
  • New Home Sales Book 40 Day Sales Dare
New Home Sales Trainers

What Clients Say:

"Jeff Shore is more than just a 'sales trainer.’ His training style is refreshing, realistic and authentic. Jeff's passion for the industry is evident by the audience's desire to 'have more Shore Training.' Our people leave with desire to do more, get better and above all to be accountable to themselves."

Diane L. Morrison
Vice President
Sales and Marketing
The Ryland Group, Inc.

"Jason is an outstanding asset to our company and sales team. This is not only due to his excellent training ability and talent, but also due to his deep passion, desire and willingness to become personally involved."

Janis Jackson
Vice President of Sales
Hometown America

Shore Forrest Sales Strategies is all about transforming homebuilding companies into sales-driven organizations. We are determined to see our clients with the very best sales strategy and execution in the industry.

From training, to coaching, to staffing, to strategy—if it has to do with sales, we are the ones to call. We don’t do mystery shops. We don’t do website design. We don’t build ads and we don’t provide social media strategy. We are about top line growth. We are about sales!

Give us a call today. We’ll be happy to show you how we can help increase your profitability in a matter of days.

The Shore Forrest Team

Jeff Shore Founder & CEO, Shore Forrest Sales Strategies

When it comes to new home sales in a tough market, no expert has more profound insight—and irresistible enthusiasm—than Jeff Shore. A self-proclaimed new home sales “junkie,” Jeff delivers quick-witted, hard-hitting seminars that electrify sales teams with passion, discipline, and relentless positivity. Jeff’s fine-tuned sales technique and twenty years of experience make him the ‘go-to’ guru for the most difficult markets.

The former National Sales Director for Kaufman and Broad (now KBHome), Jeff has done it all—from on-site sales, to sales management, to division leadership and more.

Today, Jeff is the Founder & CEO of Shore Forrest Sales Strategies, providing the industry’s best coaching and training services for homebuilding companies around North America. His coast-to-coast seminars have garnered ecstatic reviews from sales counselors and managers, describing them as “authentic,” “entertaining,” “inspiring,” and “compelling.”

Jeff is an acclaimed member of the National Speaker’s Association and a regularly featured speaker at the Pacific Coast Builder’s Conference, the International Builders Show, and SMC’s across the country. He has authored three books, including Outstanding Sales Meetings and Deal With It!: Mastering 21 Tough Sales Office Situations. Jeff’s most recent best-selling book, Tough Market New Home Sales, is the indispensable guide for thriving in a challenging market. Together with Jason Forrest, he is the co-creator of Leadership Selling® and Leadership Selling® for Coaches, a 33-week blended-learning training curriculum for new home sales professionals.

Jeff resides in Auburn, California, with his wife, Karen. They have three grown children, and two Jack Russell “Terrorists.”

Connect with Jeff online!

  • LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/JeffShore
  • Twitter: twitter.com/JeffShore
  • Website: www.JeffShore.com/blog
  • YouTube www.youtube.com/user/JeffShoreTraining

Jason Forrest President, Shore Forrest Sales Strategies

Jason grew up under the influence of his father (a business owner and professional salesperson), his mother, (a persuasive speaking professor), and Zig Ziglar (his Sunday school teacher and world famous salesperson and motivational speaker). He was an all state football player in high school, and graduated with a degree in psychology and an MBA in marketing. He went on to sell financial services and real estate before leading the sales development department at MDC Holdings/Richmond American Homes as the national director. These influences and experiences shaped Jason into who he is today—a salesperson first, a trainer on a mission, a national speaker, and a coach who pushes sales organizations to become the best version of themselves.

Selling—the Forrest Dynasty:

Jason Forrest is a salesperson first and foremost, and understands sales by selling rather than observing. With a professional salesperson/businessman for a father, and a persuasive speaking professor for a mother, selling is in his blood.

Jason comes from a line of salespeople, and sold his first diamond at eight years old in his father’s jewelry store. At family reunions, they tell sales stories. It’s the Forrest dynasty. Unlike some sales trainers who are performers or orators first, and salespeople second (if at all), Jason is a salesperson to the core.

Key Accomplishments

Jason is the author of Creating Urgency in a Non-Urgent Housing Market and 40 Day Sales Dare for New Home Sales. Together with Jeff Shore, he is the co-creator of Leadership Selling® and Leadership Selling® for Coaches, a 33-week blended-learning training curriculum for new home sales.

Jason’s Mission:

To redefine the purpose of today’s salespeople.

Jason’s Mission:

  • Buyers don’t react negatively to selling or to salespeople in general. Buyers react negatively to dishonesty, unhelpfulness, and/or boring behaviors that salespeople sometimes project.
  • There are two types of salespeople: those who participate in the process, and those who influence it.
  • The more a person focuses on their behaviors, the less they focus on their circumstances.

As you’re looking for a sales trainer, ask yourself:

  • Do I want a successful salesperson or a sales theorist?
  • Do I want a speaker/trainer that gives me advice or one that tells me what I want to hear?
  • Do I want a coach that puts “skin in the game” or one that gets paid regardless of results?

Jason lives in Fort Worth, Texas, with his wife, Shelly, and their two kids, Saunders and Mary Jane. They are also the proud owners of a playful Goldendoodle named Happy.

Connect with Jason online!

  • LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/JasonForrest
  • Twitter: www.twitter.com/jforrestspeaker
  • Website: www.JasonForrestSpeaker.com
  • YouTube: www.youtube.com/JasonForrest

Cassandra Grauer Marketing & Operations Director

Cassandra has 22 years of experience in the homebuilding industry, the bulk of which was spent as the Events Director for the Home Builders Association of Northern California. She has also served as Marketing Coordinator for Grupe Development, and Marketing Manager for Winchester Country Club in Meadow Vista, CA.

Cassandra's organizational and marketing skills ensure that Shore Forrest's clients receive the service and attention they deserve.

Cassandra and her family reside in the beautiful foothill community of Auburn, California, which suits Cassandra’s active outdoor lifestyle, and also offers the small town environment her family enjoys.

Connect with Cassandra online!

  • LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/cassandragrauer
  • Twitter: twitter.com/cassandragrauer

Creating Urgency University
New Home Sales Training Book 40 Day Sales Dare
Jeff's Blog
    • Think Long Term
    • Today’s Ultra-Motivated Prospects
    • Spotting an “A” Prospect
    • Lessons from My Voicemail
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Jason's Blog
    • New Article on Avid Builder: Jason versus the New York Times and Time Magazine
    • Earn Respect First, Friendship Later
    • Be a Leader or Find a New Job
    • Don’t Gamble with Your Sales
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